Physical Performance Coaching

For when performance really matters

How does it work?

The coaching works on the premise that each athlete has their individual needs to develop within a progressive and flexible programme of training in their quest for the development of extreme endurance.

Only well-motivated athletes with a true embracing of the ethics and spirit of training for extreme endurance activities should apply.

Stage one is a physiological and psychological screening in order to develop the right programme for development. Applicants cannot enter the programme for less than a year, as short-term development needs a consolidation period to re-enforce and establish the gain.

A programme of Macro, Mesa and Micro cycles are negotiated with short-and long-term annual goals determining how the development of extreme endurance is achieved.

Supporting activities

Long-term programme
Short term Schedules
Nutritional Guide
Strength Training and Conditioning
Training Event Planning
Pose Running Drills Clinic
Heart Rate/VO2 Assessment and Analysis
Lactic threshold testing
Cycle Training
Physiological Testing
Injury Clinics
Mental Training
Complimentary and General Training advice and support
Altitude Training